Sunday, March 9, 2008

Raising Four Boys

"It’s a boy!" Wow! Who would have thought I would hear that four times? I thought I would hear "It’s a girl!" at least once in my birthing experiences. However, I have not been disappointed to have all boys. I have talked to moms who have either all girls or a mixture and I have come to the conclusion that boys are much easier to raise. Here are a few reasons I feel this way:

1. I spent less money on clothes when they were growing up. Not only did I not have to buy all the frills and matching outfits, but time one boy had outgrown his clothes, his younger brother could wear them. They seemed to grow fast enough that the clothes were not worn out, just too small.
2. We didn’t have to make those frequent trips to the hair salon. My boys all preferred having military cuts as opposed to a style. Great news for me! I bought a good pair of hair clippers that cost about what one trip to the salon would have cost, and they get a buzz job every three weeks. 3. It’s nice to have big strong boys around when I need something done. This saves me getting a hernia if a large object needs to be moved. They are also taller than I am, so that means they can reach high up stuff – saving me having to go hunt up a ladder or stool.
4. I know when I go to a bigger city (I live in a town of 250 people) they can protect me. They are all four 1st Degree Black Belts in Tae Kwon Do. I put a sticker on our suburban window that says "Parents of 4 Black Belts". They other guy needs to at least be warned!
5. Girls tend to be picky eaters – not my boys. When they are growing, they have ravenous appetites. They pretty much eat anything I put in front of them. They even like fried liver and onions, which most kids will turn their nose up at.
6. No dealing with that time of month and all those girlie hormones. No need to say more on that subject.
7. But probably the best part is – I have four sons, but that means I will get my four daughters when they all get married, and I wasn’t the one who had to raise the girls!!!!

Raising children, whether all boys or all girls or a mixture of both is great fun, but is also a great responsibility. I compare it to running my Internet businesses. It takes time, patience, nurturing, understanding, and a few disappointments alone the way. But if you don’t lose heart, raising kids and building your online business will both bring you joy and something you can be proud of.

Author: Linda Dougherty
Specializes in working with people to show them how to market effectively to earn money online.

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