Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What's That Smell?

I was recently visiting with a lady that mentioned a problem she was dealing with, and I gave her a couple of suggestions. She said, "Well, you should write a book of your household hints!" I don’t have enough hints to publish a book by any means, but I am more than happy to share them with people. These three hints concern getting rid of odors.

1. To keep your trash from stinking, don’t throw food scraps in it. Instead, put them in a disposable container (like a cottage cheese carton) if it has liquid in it so you don’t run the risk of clogging up the kitchen sink. If it is more of a solid form (and this includes bloody meat wrappers), place it in a plastic grocery sack. Either of these temporary trash containers can then be put in the freezer until your trash goes out that week. No more stinky trash!!!

2. When preparing fresh fruits and vegetables to eat, there is some waste that goes in the trash or down the garbage disposal. Rather than doing that, try keeping a small plastic bucket under the kitchen sink to throw those scraps in. If you plant a garden, this makes wonderful compost material to put in it. Just think – no stinky trash, less work on the garbage disposal, and a benefit for your garden. Just remember to empty the bucket with regularity or it will become stinky. If you don’t have a garden to dispose of the waste, just put it in the bag in the freezer mentioned in hint number 1.

3. Dry coffee grounds work wonders for absorbing odors. I specifically use these to sprinkle in my puppy crates that have a wire grate over the removable waste tray. The coffee grounds absorb the waste products so you don’t smell that horrible distinctive odor when they eliminate, but rather you get a burst of coffee smell that reaches your nose throughout the house. Use your imagination for dry coffee grounds as an odor eliminator. They can even be sprinkled on carpet and left set to absorb odors and then vacuumed up. Coffee can be good for something besides drinking!

The freezer, the garden, and the dry coffee grounds. This is what I call diversification and teamwork. If one doesn’t work, try something else. Those are also two principles I use in my online businesses. My Mentors4U team and I can help you to diversify your income. We are business leaders that are willing to help people get their online business going. We WANT people to succeed!!!

Author: Linda Dougherty
Specializes in working with people to show them how to market effectively to earn money online.


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